Chapter 2: The Blueprint


Chapter 2: The Blueprint

James Harrison stood in front of an assembly of the world's leading scientists, journalists, and potential investors. After his press conference, the buzz around Genesis Trust had reached a fever pitch. Today, he would unveil the details that everyone had been waiting for.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the core of Genesis Trust revolves around the preservation and potential revival of human life through single-cell preservation. Every cell in your body contains your complete genetic makeup. With advancements in genetic engineering, it is conceivable to revive a human being from just one cell in the future," James began.

Murmurs ran through the crowd. The enormity of what he was proposing was beginning to sink in.

"But this is not merely a scientific endeavor; it's also a social contract. Wealthy patrons who choose to invest in Genesis Trust are not just funding our research. They are also contributing to a Trust. The Trust's assets will be invested in a diversified portfolio and continue to grow."

Dr. Shepherd took over, "If and when we succeed in reviving an individual, the accrued financial assets in the Trust will be reverted to them. Essentially, you're not just preserving your biological self, but also your financial legacy."

Across town, Sarah was live-streaming the event on her blog, 'Beneath the Surface.' Her viewership had skyrocketed since she started covering Genesis Trust.

"Guys, this is insane," she spoke into the camera. "They're talking about immortality as an investment portfolio. This is the kind of stuff we read in science fiction, but it's happening right now!"

At the lab, Dr. Park was going through data on his computer when his screen flickered and a message popped up: "Ethics Review Pending."

"Looks like we've got the world's attention," Dr. Park muttered to himself. "And probably its scrutiny."

That night, James sat alone in his study, reviewing the feedback from the unveiling. Public opinion was divided; some called him a visionary, others a madman. But among the critiques and praises, one thing was certain: Genesis Trust had ignited a debate that touched on the very essence of life, ethics, and the human spirit.

As he closed his laptop, James pondered the journey ahead. The blueprint was set, the world was watching, and the wheels of Genesis Trust had been set into motion. Now it was time to navigate the intricate maze of ethics, science, and public opinion.

For better or worse, there was no turning back.



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