Four Cute Turtles-Chapter 1


Once upon a time, there were four cute turtles named Shelly, Speedy, Sunny, and Sandy. They were the best of friends and loved to play together in the pond.

One day, the four turtles were playing hide-and-seek when they accidentally wandered too far from the pond. They found themselves in a lush forest, but they didn't know how to get back home.

The turtles were scared and didn't know what to do. They started to cry. But then, Shelly had an idea.

"We need to find a wise old animal who can help us," she said.

The turtles agreed, and they set off into the forest to find a wise old animal.

They walked for many hours, and they saw all sorts of animals along the way. But none of the animals were wise enough to help them find their way back to the pond.

Finally, the turtles came to a clearing in the forest. In the middle of the clearing was a huge oak tree.

"Maybe the wise old animal we're looking for lives in that tree," said Speedy.

The turtles climbed up the oak tree, and they found a wise old owl sitting in a branch.

"Hello," said the owl. "What brings you to my tree?"

The turtles told the owl their story. The owl listened patiently, and then he said,

"I can help you find your way back to the pond. But first, you must answer a riddle for me."

The turtles agreed, and the owl asked them the riddle:

"What has a neck without a head, a back without a spine, and four legs without feet?"

The turtles thought for a long time, but they couldn't figure out the answer.

"Give up?" asked the owl.

The turtles nodded.

"The answer is a shirt," said the owl.

The turtles were amazed. They had never heard such a clever riddle before.

"Now," said the owl, "follow me, and I will lead you back to the pond."

The owl led the turtles through the forest, and soon they were back at the pond. The turtles were so happy to be home.

"Thank you for helping us," they said to the owl.

"You're welcome," said the owl. "Just remember, the next time you're lost, look for a wise old animal who can help you."

The turtles thanked the owl again, and then they swam off to play in the pond. They were so happy to be home, and they knew that they would never forget the wise old owl who helped them find their way.


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