Lazy Man and Pot Of Gold

 Once upon a time, in a land where the sun shone bright and the rivers flowed with a gentle murmur, there lived a man. This man was known far and wide for his laziness. He would spend his days lounging under the shade of a tree, dreaming of a pot of gold that would solve all his problems. He wished for wealth without the toil, a dream that seemed as elusive as a rainbow after a summer shower.

One day, the lazy man decided to seek the wisdom of a sage who lived in a nearby ashram. The sage was known for his profound knowledge and the tales of his guru's mystical powers. The man approached the sage and asked, "O wise one, do you know where I can find a pot of gold?"

The sage, with a twinkle in his eyes, replied, "Indeed, my guru once told me that a pot of gold lies hidden somewhere in this ashram's land. However, I am too old to search for it. The land is strewn with stones, and unless they are removed to reveal the rich black soil beneath, the location of the pot remains a mystery. If you wish, you may try to find it."

The lazy man, seeing an opportunity, asked, "But you are certain it's here, right?" The sage nodded, "Yes, I am sure."

Thinking that removing a few stones was easier than wandering aimlessly in search of gold, the man agreed to the task. He spent the next few days removing stones, revealing the fertile soil underneath. The sage, pleased with the man's effort, suggested digging a few pits to increase the chances of finding the gold.

The lazy man, driven by the promise of gold, dug several pits across the ashram's land. The sage then told him about a legend that the pot of gold is typically found at the end of a rainbow. He showed the man how to create small rainbows by watering the pits early in the morning as the sun began to rise. The sight of tiny rainbows arching over the pits filled the man with joy and anticipation.

The sage then proposed a deal, "If you water these pits every morning and create small rainbows, we might find more than one pot of gold. But remember, you must give me half of the gold we find."

The man agreed and followed the sage's instructions diligently. Soon, the ashram's land was blooming with beautiful flowers and lush vegetable plants. The sage then told the man to sell these in the market, assuring him that he would receive his pot of gold.

The lazy man did as instructed and was amazed at the gold coins he received in exchange for the flowers and vegetables. True to his word, he shared half of his earnings with the sage. In the end, the lazy man found his pot of gold, not in a mystical treasure chest, but in the fruits of his labor. The sage's wisdom had taught him the value of hard work, transforming him from a lazy dreamer into a diligent worker. And so, the man lived happily ever after, rich not just in gold, but in wisdom and contentment.


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