In a small, forgotten corner of the world, there was a garden. This garden was home to a tiny, fragile tree, barely able to stand on its own. Its leaves were sparse, its branches thin and weak. It was a pitiful sight, but it held a spirit that yearned to reach the sky.

One day, an old gardener, weathered by time and experience, found a sturdy, unattractive stick lying on the garden floor. He saw potential in this discarded piece of wood, just as he saw potential in the struggling tree. With a gentle hand and a hopeful heart, he placed the stick next to the tree, providing it with the support it desperately needed.

As the seasons changed, so did the tree. It grew taller, stronger, its branches reaching out to the sky, its roots digging deeper into the earth. The stick stood by its side, unwavering, as the tree blossomed with beautiful flowers and became a sanctuary for various birds. The once pitiful tree was now a beacon of life and beauty, attracting visitors from all corners of the world.

The tree's fame grew, and soon, consultants - experts in gardening and strategy - were brought in to enhance its beauty. They admired the tree, praised its flowers, and marveled at the birds that called it home. But then, one of them pointed out the old, unattractive stick.

"This stick serves no purpose," he argued. "It's old, it's ugly, it doesn't belong here. We should get rid of it."

The others agreed, praising the consultant for his insight. And so, the stick that had stood by the tree, that had supported it when it was weak, was promptly removed and discarded.

But the old gardener knew better. He knew that the stick had played a crucial role in the tree's growth. He knew that the stick, despite its unattractive appearance, had been a steadfast support for the tree. And he knew that in life, just as in the garden, there are 'old sticks' that support and guide us.

These 'old sticks' may not be beautiful or impressive. They may be overlooked, taken for granted, even discarded. But they are there, providing support, offering guidance, helping us grow. They are the lessons we learn, the experiences we have, the people we meet. They are the challenges we overcome, the mistakes we make, the successes we achieve.

And so, the old gardener took the discarded stick and placed it on a decorated stand at the entrance of the garden. There, it stood as a reminder to all who visited: to appreciate the 'old sticks' in their lives, to honor them, to acknowledge their role in their growth.

For in every life, in every story, in every person or company, there are 'old sticks'. And just as the tree in the garden grew from a fragile sapling to a beacon of life and beauty with the help of an 'old stick', so too can we grow, flourish, and reach our full potential with the help of our 'old sticks'.


  1. A nice metaphor to show how small things can make a big difference!


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