
Showing posts from July, 2023

Lazy Man and Pot Of Gold

  Once upon a time, in a land where the sun shone bright and the rivers flowed with a gentle murmur, there lived a man. This man was known far and wide for his laziness. He would spend his days lounging under the shade of a tree, dreaming of a pot of gold that would solve all his problems. He wished for wealth without the toil, a dream that seemed as elusive as a rainbow after a summer shower. One day, the lazy man decided to seek the wisdom of a sage who lived in a nearby ashram. The sage was known for his profound knowledge and the tales of his guru's mystical powers. The man approached the sage and asked, "O wise one, do you know where I can find a pot of gold?" The sage, with a twinkle in his eyes, replied, "Indeed, my guru once told me that a pot of gold lies hidden somewhere in this ashram's land. However, I am too old to search for it. The land is strewn with stones, and unless they are removed to reveal the rich black soil beneath, the location of the pot

Mouse and Piece Of Cloth

  Once upon a time, in a bustling little village, there lived a clever and adventurous mouse named Milo. One sunny morning, as Milo scurried through the meadows, he stumbled upon a shiny piece of cloth glistening amidst the flowers. His tiny eyes widened with excitement as he picked it up, realizing it was a beautiful, colorful fabric. Inspired by his newfound treasure, Milo had a brilliant idea. He thought, "Why not fashion a stylish cap for myself out of this marvelous cloth?" Filled with determination, he scurried his way to the renowned tailor of the village, a wise old mouse named Tobias. With the piece of cloth held tightly in his paws, Milo approached the tailor's cozy shop. He politely asked Tobias, "Dear tailor, could you possibly make a cap for me using this exquisite fabric?" Tobias, always eager to help, smiled warmly at the enthusiastic little mouse. "Of course, my friend," he replied. "Leave it to me, and I'll create a magnificen
   In a small, forgotten corner of the world, there was a garden. This garden was home to a tiny, fragile tree, barely able to stand on its own. Its leaves were sparse, its branches thin and weak. It was a pitiful sight, but it held a spirit that yearned to reach the sky. One day, an old gardener, weathered by time and experience, found a sturdy, unattractive stick lying on the garden floor. He saw potential in this discarded piece of wood, just as he saw potential in the struggling tree. With a gentle hand and a hopeful heart, he placed the stick next to the tree, providing it with the support it desperately needed. As the seasons changed, so did the tree. It grew taller, stronger, its branches reaching out to the sky, its roots digging deeper into the earth. The stick stood by its side, unwavering, as the tree blossomed with beautiful flowers and became a sanctuary for various birds. The once pitiful tree was now a beacon of life and beauty, attracting visitors from all corners of th